Modual introduction

Unit Name Function Description Remark
DC: Data Center System operation data recording and on-demand distribution Carrier grade reliability
ZC: Zone Controller Control the train to run as planned timetable Heterogeneous multi-channel, meet the requirements of EN 5012 x SIL4
RC: Route Controller Safety control the route set up, maintain and release Heterogeneous multi-channel, meet the requirements of EN 5012 x SIL4
LXC: Level Crossing Controller Control the safety operation of the level-crossing rail  
OB: On-Board   Receive control commands from zone controller and execute, report the real-time train running information in real-time Heterogeneous multi-channel, meet the requirements of EN 5012 x SIL4
IO Control system and controlled facilities such as vehicles,  switch machines, power and others exchange, control interface IEC 61508 SIL3
Driver-Machine Interface System administrator interface, operation plan input interface, OT, DMI, maintenance and monitoring interface, the urban emergency command interface Support language switching
External system adapter unit External system adapter unit and PSD, all kinds of disaster monitoring, detection and other wayside equipments are interconnected control, exchange information with passenger information system  
Recorder&Replay System "black box"  
Auxiliary systems Ethernet (wired and wireless) communication systems, the clock synchronization system Owners can specify the frequency band wifi or leased public mobile network, can be integrated with WAPI authentication and encryption